Letter from Director
I would like to thank the many volunteers, sponsors and patrons that helped and showed their support.
Polish Fest is not just a festival, but a living educational showcase of the arts, culture and tradition that is uniquely Polish. Passing the knowledge of the culture of Poland on to our children and the generations to follow is one of the greatest gifts we can share. Without this historical awareness, Polish-Americans and those from other ethnic origins cannot develop a full appreciation for the richness and diversity that is Poland's cultural legacy.
Money raised from Polish Fest is used in the form of scholarships, and costs associated with a variety of educational programs in folk art, music, language and cooking at the Polish Center of Wisconsin in Franklin.
Looking forward to seeing you at Polish Fest!
June 13-15, 2025
Jeffrey E. Kuderski
Executive Director
Office: 414-529-2140 x 102